Thursday, 15 January 2009

First sleep in days

Cold, cramped and dirty but at least it was sleep. I am still on the move but I have left the first clue for you.

I have an idea where I may find the next part of the message, carved on a gravestone somewhere near Glasgow of all places. God do I dare try and find it or do I do the sensible thing and stay hidden. What should I do.

Heh, I just jumped at my own shadow. I need to find some coffee, and a bacon roll.

Meantime, those of you who choose to risk being caught by whoever these maniacs are, I need to find out what a Gauss-Bonnet is. A single line of the message with no context but the way it was written in the manscript it must be important and I've had no luck so far.

If you find out, let me know here. I'm not sure that the email is safe anymore.

Now to find that coffee.

1 comment:


    It's a geometrical theorem. Does any of that mean anything to you?
